The Wine Farm The Vintage 2015 Magnum (1.5L) - Moreish Wines

The Wine Farm The Vintage 2015 Magnum


Vintage 2015, not the most descriptive wine. This is a wine that's only made in the best years, where Neil Hawkins will take some of the first/best...

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The Significance of Australian and International Biodynamic Wine

Biodynamic wine is made by farming all components of the vineyard as one whole entity, eliminating the use of chemicals and using natural materials and composts. Following the biodynamic calendar is another integral part of the process. Sometimes, these farming practices, from pruning to harvesting, are controlled by the biodynamic calendar. It breaks all the tasks associated with farming into four kinds of days: root days, flower days, fruit days, and leaf days. Each of these days has certain tasks associated with it that are reflective of Earth’s four classical elements (also on the harder-to-prove-scientifically end of things): Fruit days are meant for harvesting, leaf days for watering, root days for pruning. On flower days, the vineyard is left alone.

You may be familiar with organic wine, but have you ever considered buying biodynamic wine? The two systems both come under the natural wine umbrella, and while some confuse the two, they do present significant differences in their winemaking approach. In Australia and across the world, both wines are free from using chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers but biodynamic wine goes much further.

To understand how biodynamic wine becomes so, and before you decide to buy a bottle online, it’s important to understand what biodynamic farming is. This farming practice views a vineyard as one whole entity, with each portion of the vineyard contributing to the next. As well as considering the lunar calendar and astrology, natural materials, soils, and composts and a range of animals such as ducks or sheep are used to fertilize and sustain the area to help it become a fully functional self-sustaining system. Biodynamic farming is more about the entire lifeblood of vineyards, including plants, insects, and animals, rather than just the grapes.

Why buy biodynamic wine online from us?

One of the greatest things about biodynamic farming and the wine it produces is the commitment to sustainability its farmers follow. The practice aims to leave the land in good shape, or even improve the land for future generations to benefit from. With that in mind, by buying from our selection of Australian and International biodynamic wines online, you are not only doing something good for your tastebuds and collection, but also the environment.

Enjoy our biodynamic wines

Here at Moreish Wines we want all our online customers to find a bottle of biodynamic wine they love to enjoy with friends and family, so our price points are varied and affordable. Browse through our range and learn a little more about each brand – we hope you will love them as much as we do!

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